Our Pre-Kindergarten students are preparing to enter their first level of formal education in Pre-Kindergarten. Our concentration is on establishing intellectual, social, and emotional foundations as well as language arts, communication skills and academics including science, math, phonics, sight words, social studies, and writing. In addition, our activities include circle time to discuss ideas and observations, fine motor skills, art, block play, dramatic play, sensory, outdoor play, organized walks, and local field trips to learning resources in the area.
Our Pre-Kindergarten children are so aware of their surroundings that a trip to a local library is fascinating and allows them to monitor progress and accomplishments. They are taught to tie their shoes, construct simple graphs, write their names, addresses and phone numbers and count backwards and forwards. All these skills are particularly useful in kindergarten. They are well-rounded by the time they leave this program to enter their first step into kindergarten.
During the summer months of June, July and August, the Pre-Kindergarten program at A Star Is Rising Early Learning Center switch to our summer fun weekly program. The program is designed to illustrate the difference between the school year and the summer months. While we continue to review our academics in the traditional sense, we also introduce learning in a more casual atmosphere through the use of special events.
The children are presented with new experiences utilizing the variation of our local merchants in Dumont. Walking and bus field trips add to our learning. Visiting guests are on the venue creating an exciting mixture. In addition to formal lessons, the program includes the importance of water safety. All these programs plus an array of extra-curriculum offered through the summer makes for an exciting fun-filled place to be.
We love it and are sure you will too. If you are interested in learning more, or to schedule a tour, please call our office at 201-771-7022.